Saltshouse Haven Care Home

71 Saltshouse Rd, HU8 9EH
Opening hours
Monday Open 24 Hours
Tuesday Open 24 Hours
Wednesday Open 24 Hours
Thursday Open 24 Hours
Friday Open 24 Hours
Saturday Open 24 Hours
Sunday Open 24 Hours
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At Saltshouse Haven, an extensively trained team of staff provide residential care, including care for adults diagnosed with dementia. Packages available include respite, convalescence and palliative provision.


This homely facility is equipped for modern care practice, having its own assisted bathrooms and shower rooms, and furniture to fit different levels of physical mobility. A light and airy conservatory are great for unwinding.


Meals can be taken in the dining room or in the privacy of residents’ own rooms, with mid-morning and afternoon treats also available, and personal tastes accounted for.


Many hobbies have been embraced by residents, individually and as a group, with film screenings and musical afternoons proving popular and monthly events that include a ‘Best of British’ celebration.