We offer you a wide range of exclusive services at affordable prices. We are a small set up that offers dedicated customer services, putting your needs first.
Our aim is to make sure your request is met with expert advice, individual attention and innovative solutions. Contact us and discover all we have to offer. Our qualified staff looks forward to serving you!
We offer a complete chiropdy service, which is also available to diabetics and the disabled. The service covers areas such as general care through to specialist advie.
Nail Reconstruction
Using the advance Wilde Pedique reconstruction methods, we can rebuild or fix problem toe nails to make sure they are fit for those sandles.
Verruccas / Corns & Fungal Nail
All these cause un-comfort and annoyance resulting in misery to everyday life, we offer a wide varity of solution including cryo-surgery.
Collapsed arches and back problems can be a burden on everyone from the office worker to the athlete, in some circumstances these can be fixed with custom made Orthotics, which do not have to be costly.